Sunday, July 17, 2011


I had an interesting conversation about a watch today...

While having coffee with friends... It was around 9:30pm... I realized I'm in the same mall where a watch, which I've been salivating over for the past 5 or so months (a Tag Heuer Carrera), has a shop. So I excused myself from the group and said...

Me: Excuse me guys, I'll just check out this watch shop upstairs...
Person A: Watch? There's one over here. (Pointing to a big watch shop just opposite to where we were sitting.
Me: No, I want this particular watch... (As I was glancing at THE shop that was upstairs)
Everyone: Okay...

So I stood up, and started to walk to the escalator... As I was just meters away from the escalator, I realized it was a long way up and I had to go around through some barricades/railings just to get to that shop where I wanted to go. And it was closing time, so I thought the whole "commute" from the point I was in to the point I want to be in could be of naught. So I turned around, and headed my way back to the table where my friends were sitting. When I got to my seat, with my friends befuddled, I said...

Me: Nah, I'll just come back for it next time...
Person B: You walked all the way there and you just came back...
Me: Yeah, well... It's a long walk...
Person B: If you really wanted it you would have gone for it...
Me: (Smirks) No! I do want it... But there are just some things you want that you can never have...
Person B: Well, you should have known from the start that you can't have it...
Me: Well, I took my chances... and I thought it was worth the try...
Person B: (Smiled) .. Sure...
Me: ... And it's probably not worth the trouble... (thinking that the watch shop might close when I get there. And if ever i do get to the shop and find it open, I wouldn't be able to get the watch I wanted because I cannot afford it.)
Person B: You'd never know if it's worth it until you have it with you...
Me: (Shrugs and then smirked) Maybe... but maybe i'll have it someday...
Person B: (Shakes head as if to say "No, you won't")...

Me:(While noticing the shaking head... I said to myself "You're probably right... but I do want that watch"

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